FRIENDS! Time for another CORO / OFFICE HOURS. If you have any questions regarding building stories or building worlds or the creative life in general, please post below.
As always: I will attempt to answer 1-2 questions per CORO – in an ideal world, at least one of our questions will be related to writing / reading / creating / flourishing as a person of color.
I will do my best to be helpful and please forgive me that I can only answer a fraction of questions received and only the ones I feel qualified at the moment to weigh in on. Doesn’t mean your question doesn’t rock; it’s me that doesn’t always rock.
Ta to: please post your questions below and off we go!
Nota Bene, with apologies: CORO is for pay subscribers only.
I'm wondering about how you structure your short stories. Do you use a checklist (similar to your Persona one?) while writing? How do you know that the chosen structure is working in service of the story?
I’m interested in hearing from you about the act of writing. Do you write every day? What are your experiences with inspiration or “flow” on the one hand and the tedious labor of writing on the other hand? Are you able to work your way into flow by just sticking with the tedious labor of writing? Is there a stage of writing that you enjoy more than the others?