Jun 22Liked by Junot Díaz

This year I decided to reclaim time for deep reading, having seen it drift away in favor of podcasts, newsletters, Substack (!), and 2020s busyness. So I get up earlier and spend the first hour of the day reading a physical book. No tunes, no checking email, no one else awake yet. The verdict? It’s been like rediscovering oranges after having some kind of literary scurvy! My soul feels better. Great essay, Junot.

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it does feel like scurvy dont it?

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Thanks for sharing. Here's my circuit:

Philosophy, personal development or business in the morning.

Blog during lunch

Fiction at night.

20 to 60 mins per rep.

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Octavia Butler, “Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself.”

I love this quote. With each novel I write, I become.

Thank you for the push to read. I’ve been adding poetry and short stories to my reads this year, but yes, I should make an effort to put more translations into the mix.

Do you keep a list/journal of what you read? I try to write a quick review for myself or at least snap a pic of the cover. The best ones, though, are never forgotten.

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This is the best. Thank you so much for this Junot.

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Jun 21Liked by Junot Díaz

On écrit pour etre autre que ce qu'on est. M Foucault

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Jun 21Liked by Junot Díaz

Same for reading?

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yes, josé definitely! thank you as always

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Love this, Junot. Your reading cycle is inspiring. Definitely taking this advice to heart.

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Jun 21Liked by Junot Díaz

What were the 6 novels on your original syllabus?

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the class that i had in mind: Heart of Darkness, Blood Meridian, Maus, The Handmaid's Tale, Dawn and depending on the semester i switched between Perdido Street Station and Snow Crash.

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Amazing how much more reading we did before social media

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It’s so true. Even among writers and life long readers. There’s an interesting book called Proust and the Squid that talks about the neuroscience of deep reading. Scrolling and scanning just doesn’t activate the same circuitry.

Thanks for the reading list!

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