I'm so grateful this newsletter exists.

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Damn, this post just realigned my chakras. Thank you for this zen as S S. Glad you are here. Thank you for taking the time.

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Thank you for this, Junot. It makes tons of sense. I’ve lost so much creative time during the pandemic also to depression and anxiety, and it’s been hard to reckon with that.

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vital distinction: “the difference between neurotic suffering and everyday pain is the difference between being able to live in the world, grateful and present, versus being shattered and scattered across the multiverse, never fully there, never fully alive, never grateful, always lashing ourselves and others over what we’ve lost...”

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So well said and beautifully explained. I think that you have given creatives the best advice anyone could give them. Being in my mid sixties, and now in the final season of life, I wish someone had told me this when I was young. I was fortunate that providence was kind, and I made it through, and learned the lessons of mourning and forgiveness from wise counselors put in my life.

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I appreciate you.

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Thank you king :)

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Great insights, as always. Thank you.

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Hard won heart fortifying wisdom generously shared. gracias, compa

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Gratitute and presence - yesiree Bob. And by all means, mourn and bear witness. Remember, til the day you die, you will experience new chapters of things to be put in your book and your book will tell you when it's ready to be written. And Allen, you might be a scrawny old man when you get your sign to start writing. That's OK. Keep pushing on in the meantime.

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Did not expect this reply to go to “the multiverse” but it completely works! Such a great film / message.

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